I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay

There is something very very wrong with my hubby. I don't know why he's like that... Actually I do. He's just like his mother. A bunch of tree hugging greenies they are not! My hubby loves cutting down trees. Whole trees. Selected branches. What ever. It just needs to be cut down according to him. Why exactly does it NEED to be cut own?? Don't ask, you'll get some mumbling, shrugging of shoulders, a cheeky grin and he's off! I'd say his preferred method of destruction is with a chainsaw. The bigger the noisier the better. It must be some kind of manly show of just who's the boss. Him. Not the poor tree! He also doesn't mind a bit of a workout with a handsaw or bush saw. He's also a bit partial to his parents pole saw. My poor garden is rather bereft of trees as a result. No sooner is something planted and begins to grow does he decide it needs a 'trim'. Unfortunately his idea of a trim and my idea are vastly different. I now have ...