
We had a lovely family catch up yesterday. Dylan got to play with his cousin and one of my cousin's toddler. Much like me, Dylan was shy; holding onto me no matter how enticing the other boys play session seemed to be. He happily sat up at the table for some chocolate cake afternoon tea, and a cuddle from his Grandma though. He eventually joined in with the boys play, and shared his toy cars around, even if he probably didn't want to. It was just so lovely to observe him as he joined in, and even when he held back. His personality really is shining through, and I cannot describe him as anything less than a little sweetheart. Dylan's grandma kindly knitted him a beautiful little jumper to wear this winter. We showed it to him today and then tried it on. I don't think toddlers do "fake", so I guess we got brutal honesty. His comment was "Mmmmm... nice. Mummy, it's nice" as we put it on. He just beamed. He wasn't quite as taken ...