
The countdown is now on until our little "beach" holiday this coming week. Just 2 days of work and daycare to get through then we are off! We are ready for a road trip in the bus!! Hubby has spent the day packing up all the spares, the tools, and the extra somewhat-important stuff to make it a peaceful trip. We've got fold out chairs, picnic rugs and picnic sets, buckets and spades for the beach, plus a beach shelter, just in case. The weather forecast isn't looking so great for the next few days, so fingers crossed it clears up enough for a few pleasant days for us. I'm trying for be an economical packer... but like usual it's just not happening. I'm sure my suitcase will be popping open at the seams with just one or two or ten unnecessary outfits or changes of shoes! Ha! I started packing a bag for Dylan today and he was very happy to "help" by throwing every conceivable piece of clothing somewhere near the vicinity of his b...