Things I'd forgotten...
Being a mum the second time around is certainly different to the first time. I guess we are more relaxed and calm about most things. We've survived the newborn phase once before, surely we can do it again, right? I have noted that since Tristan was born, there are so many things I'd forgotten about in the 3 and a bit years since Dylan was a newborn. Some things kinda took me by surprise, and I'm sure to pick up on even more things as Tristan grows. So far, my little list of things I'd forgotten about a newborn includes: * Newborn cuddles are addictive! * Newborns generally hate having their nappy changed. They cry when they are coated in poo, and then cry when you clean it off... WHY??? * Dummies come in so many different shapes and sized, and yet sometimes none will work. Learning to suck a dummy is something that seems to be taking time. * Newborns make so much noise when they sleep! The snorting and snuffling is ...