
Dylan - We recently found another park nearby. It's walking distance from home for me, but for you it's a little bit of a stretch. I took you there once Tristan was napping so we could have some time together. You LOVED it! The park has some great equipment to play on, but you've also been using your imagination. We've been Transformers together, and walked along the balance beam avoiding the sharks and crocodiles underneath our feet. We've chased away the birds and pretended we were in boats on the water. Walking home together you get tired and ask me to carry you, but a quick diversion and you are happily trotting along beside me. A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016 Tristan - Dylan and I got back from the park hoping we'd still have some time to play before you awoke.... but no. Up and awake and Daddy was minding you in the garage while he worked. You were all smiles as you hung your arm out the window or clutched the steering...