The Easter bunny took away the dummies!

We hit another milestone this weekend and I just had to record it.  About a week ago I mentioned to Dylan that it was time to give away his bedtime dummies as he was a big boy now.  We then came up with the concept of the Easter bunny taking away his dummies.  The Easter bunny's visit was exciting, and he knew that the Easter bunny brought chocolate, so as a reward for giving up his dummies, he would get something worthwhile.  We often hear some of the neighbours kids cry, and anytime there is a baby on the TV or the iPad, Dylan talks about the "bubba cries".  So the idea of giving our dummies to the Easter bunny, who would then give them to all the babies who needed them was born.  We've been talking about what would happen every day and finally on Saturday was the big day.  His afternoon nap on Saturday was the last time he would be allowed to have the dummies, and I couldn't help take a few shots to remember this special time.

Finally on Saturday night, when bedtime arrived, the usual request for his dummy came.  We said no, the Easter bunny was coming tonight so he couldn't have a dummy.  I had bought a special little basket for Dylan to use on the Sunday for his Easter egg hunt, and so we got him to put all his dummies into the basket and left it where the Easter bunny would find it.  He was happy enough to do it, but as soon as we were back in his bedroom and ready for bed, the tears began and the pleading started. 

I went into his room dozens of times trying to calm him and settle him for sleep, and all up it probably took just over 1 hour.  Not bad really.  I was mentally preparing myself for worse.  We had one short wake up in the middle of the night.  But all he needed was a cuddle, and a sip of water and he was snoozing again in literally a couple of minutes. 

So we survived Night 1 without a dummy! Yay!  After all the chocolate and fun he had on Sunday morning, I knew nap time probably wasn't going to be great and I was right.  So after his lunch on Sunday I began the usual routine for an afternoon nap.  And sure enough the request for his dummy came.  We gently reminded him that the Easter bunny had taken his dummies for all the little babies who needed them.  That's when the wailing began, and the begging.  The crying was sometimes calling out "mummy", other times "dummy", either way, he just wanted something to bring him comfort.  I think it took about an hour again to get him to sleep.

After a huge day on Sunday, I was just hoping that the dummy requests would die down come bed time.  He looked over to his shelf where the dummies used to be kept.  He cuddled me and said "the dummies are gone to the babies" and didn't mention it again.  No crying, not a tear, a howl, or a whinge.  He settled himself and had a full night's sleep without a drama.  Phew!!!  Looks like we just might have survived.  My beautiful boy isn't a baby with a dummy anymore and I couldn't be prouder of him.




  1. I hope those crying babies are feeling better now! xxx


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