
Dylan - There's just so much going on right now, it's no wonder you get all cranky and defiant of late. We had your friend Rory's 4th birthday party a couple of weeks ago, and now you are counting down the days until Jaxon's 4th birthday party this coming weekend. So much excitement! And now we have a family holiday booked as something to look forward to, and not to mention your own 4th birthday. This coming week we are sending you off to swimming lessons for the first time. You've been a bit worried about it, but we just keep having to reassure you that you'll be just fine and I'll be watching you from the side of the pool. Today we've got a Halloween party to go to at your daycare. I can't wait to see you all dressed up with the other kids. Not that I like Halloween, I just want to see you happy and involved in the festivities. With the warmer weather this past weekend, after your nap we enjoyed a cheeky ice block. Of course you chose...