
Dylan - you are currently obsessed by "reading" through the junk mail catalogues that come every week.  Of course anything with toys in it is a winner, but even just going through the supermarket ones is exciting as you name all the items you can see.  I know at daycare they have already been speaking about Christmas, and so your understanding of Santa bringing presents is clearly evident.  I'm sure you'll have your wish list sorted in no time!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Tristan - just chilling on the cushions on the lounge while you brother sits nearby.  The fact that you lay there for more than a minute without whinging was a miracle in itself.  We hadn't done enough washing and so I had you in an old singlet under your clothes, rather than the press stud in the crotch singlet suits.  So laying back your singlet rose up with your top, your pants came down, and a sweet little belly poked out in the middle!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Grandma needs to teach Dylan how to circle everything he wants in the catalogues!

    Need to smoosh that little belly!


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