Setting myself a challenge

Well if being a new mum wasn't enough, I decided to set myself a new challenge. I decided to go for it out of sheer boredom... food boredom! Sick and tired of the same old meals week in and week out, I figured it was time to try new things. My hubby is no help either when coming up for ideas for dinners. His standard response is to reply with a question of what do I want for dinner?! It drives me mad. Now we won't be going overboard with it! No way! I think if I try for one new or different meal or dish per week, that's a good start. Yes, I'm happy with that. Challenge accepted!

I'll say that I started my challenge in this past week. I got all inspired while grocery shopping and bought a few bits and bobs to work with. The first meal I attempted was from a recipe I got when I went to an Indian cooking class a year or so ago. Butter chicken with spicy rice was served up to hubby and it was devoured! Dinner a few nights later was a gorgeously delicious beef mussamen curry with jasmine rice. Yum! Leftovers were on offer for both hubby and my lunch and were quickly snapped up! Good job! Hubby loves good leftovers for work lunches instead of the same old boring sandwiches. I don't blame him either as his choice of sandwich fillings are usually pretty boring. I think he must have been one of those kids that took a peanut butter sandwich every school day for years and never thought anything of it. Couldn't do that now with all the peanut allergies out there. We never heard of such things when I was a kid... Gosh, I sound old!

So what to make in the next few days? I'm not sure yet, although since my copy of Delicious magazine was delivered last week I've been eying off the scrumptious Caramel apple upside-down cake on the front cover! Sounds and looks divine! I probably shouldn't be making something so sweet. I've still got scads of chocolate leftover from Easter which I haven't started yet... But it's calling my name! Ha!

I've just noticed the Raspberry, Chocolate and Almond tea cake in my magazine.  Yum! There's a good chance a dear high school friend is dropping around in a couple of days. Now wouldn't that cake make for a lovely afternoon tea with her? Mmmm... Something to ponder.. 



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