
Week 25

On Friday my weeny boy turned 18 months old! Where the hell has that time gone?  Other than the tantrums, we are so loving this age! Dylan just wants to play and have fun. After last weekend where Dylan had a blast at his cousin Charlie's 2nd birthday party, we decided he looked like he needed a new toy to keep him occupied.  Dylan had never seen or sat in one of those cozy coupe cars before, and at first he didn't seem to like it, but soon a smile crept across his face a mile wide.  So after test driving Charlie's car, we decided we'd get him one - although hubby was petrified of dents in the garage door!  Saturday morning we led Dylan out to the garage and wow was he surprised!! 

I think I spent hours and hours pushing him up and down the driveway, around the cars under the carport, and we even went on a little jaunt down to the end of the street and back on the footpath.  It brought a smile to a few of the neighbours who saw him heading down the footpath.  Dylan was in and out and in and out almost his entire waking hours yesterday!! He loves it!  I'm so glad to see him enjoy it so much.

A portrait of my son once a week, every week in 2014
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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