
Week 26

We've had a bit of a rough week with Dylan.  Sunday night he woke at 2am and didn't sleep a whole lot after that until about 6am.  Not even a dose of panadol worked.  He was tired but his slightly snotty nose seemed a bit better when it was time to get up and head off to daycare.  I got the call during my lunch break that he had a temperature of 39.2 and could I come collect him.  The carers said he was clingy, miserable and just not well.  By the time I picked him up his temperature was over 39.5 poor boy!  He needed a clearance from a doctor before daycare would accept him the following day, so I headed straight for the doctors.  There we discovered he had a middle ear infection.  So antibiotics were in order, and lots of sleep!  So in the 7 months since I've been back at work, I've taken my first ever day of carers leave to look after one sick and miserable weeny boy.

He's been tired, clingy, whingy, a picky eater, with tantrums galore the entire week.  It hasn't been much fun.  At least he seems to be on the mend, and we are all getting a bit more sleep now.

We took Dylan to the park today to the walking tracks so he could ride in his little cozy coupe car.  He had a ball and he totally wore himself out.  We got him home and after a little bit of lunch he was out for the count.  Around 3 and a half hours later he awoke
looking a little brighter thank goodness!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2014
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Gorgeous photo of a gorgeous wee boy! Look at those eyelashes! Grandma wants to squeeze him! xxx


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