
Week 23

This past week has had its ups and downs.  There were a few nights where Dylan just would not stop screaming when we tried to put him to bed.  Nothing other than picking him up and taking him away from his cot would calm him.  It was quite upsetting on our part.  He's also gotten 2 new teeth this week with a 3rd about to poke through.  He's also pretty much decided that baby food is NOT to be consumed anymore.  Finger food and whatever is on our plates is what he MUST have.  His hand co-ordination and skills using his cutlery is improving dramatically.  Although a hell of a lot of his weetbix still gets shovelled in using his hands!  It makes for a fun but messy breakfast time!!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Yep ... it's about this age when the battle of wills over bedtime begins ... the question is which one of you will emerge as the ultimate winner???


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