A job done and reasons to celebrate!

It's been another crazy week. Last weekend I had one of those moments of horror when I realised how old I'm getting! I had a birthday and I can honestly say I did not enjoy it one bit.  I felt old, tired and cranky. The one birthday present I told my hubby I wanted, I did not get. I know that sounds childish and self centred, but I promise it's not as bad as it seems! I really wanted a sleep in! That's all. Just to have uninterrupted sleep until say 8am... at least. Nope. Dylan woke up about 6:30am and as usual hubby somehow did not hear him until we had been up for a good 30 mins, bottle was done and we were ready to have some cuddles and a play. Grrr! The only positive that came out of the day was a lovely lunch with my family. Dylan wasn't very well behaved which made it a little stressful in the restaurant, but as it was his first major outing in his stroller I'm not surprised he didn't fall asleep.

Another suggestion for a birthday gift I gave to my hubby he did come good on. I wanted his help to complete my family photo frame wall. So on the public holiday Monday we went for a drive off to Bunnings and bought the wall hook things and got home to begin measuring. I'm happy to say its now complete and I think it looks fabulous! It makes me smile each time I pass it.

Lately I've lost it completely over the noise coming from one very noisy parrot. Our parrot Poppy wants to spend more time out of her cage and with us, and her method for getting our attention is screeching, chirping, yelling, and talking at a level that would wake the dead. She's driving me insane! She does it particularly when I run the kitchen taps for some strange reason. Hardly a day goes by when she doesn't wake Dylan up from one of his day sleeps. We had a squirter bottle of water that we used to use to squirt her to shut her up, but she decided to attack it one day and now it doesn't work. So I've taken to threats of violence and yelling, to make her shut up. It doesn't work and I end up very frustrated. I'm sure it sends my blood pressure through the roof!

I had another one of those moments of stupidity this week. I got Dylan all ready and we drove up to one of the local shopping centres armed with a small list of things to get. We parked, got Dylan all settled in his stroller and walked in the door. Then it hit me... My wallet! I'd left it at home. Bugger! So home again we went to pick up the wallet, to then turn around and do it all again! Happily Dylan did nod off whilst we were shopping, so the stroller is comfy after all.

Yesterday, Friday the 14th June, was a double reason to celebrate. Dylan's little cousin Charlie turned 1 year old. Over the past year Charlie has turned into a sweet, charming, happy little boy and we are smitten by him. How could you not love this little munchkin?

The second reason to celebrate was that Dylan's 2nd tooth came through. Since his first one appeared just over a week ago I've been peering into his gob more frequently. I've noticed the white topped bump beside the first tooth, and knew it wouldn't be long before the 2nd one appeared. I just didn't think it would be so soon. My weeny boy is getting so big! He'll be turning 6 months old next week. That sounds like a reason to celebrate! Throughout my pregnancy we joked that we'd tell our baby that its birthday was in June instead as we thought a due date of Christmas Eve was a bit rough. So maybe Dylan will have a half-birthday in June, and a mini birthday/Christmas celebration in December. Either way, sounds like a good reason for more cake!



  1. Dylan was beautifully behaved in the restaurant!! You have to relax a bit - no-one could have been inconvenienced in the slightest by his being there!

    Love the photo wall, shoot the bird.

    :-) xxx


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