Random stuff and a missing post

I feel a bit like I've dropped off the blogging planet! I told myself numerous times I should get back on and add a new post. Somehow something else always became more important, more relevant, and more fun! Oh well, here I am now. I will add that I am still rather peeved. A few days ago I did add a new blog post. I had it 3/4 completed with pictures and all.... And then technology (totally not my friend might I add) intervened, and I lost the lot! I was so annoyed. I am still annoyed!

So do I tempt fate and try to add in all that I lost?? Hmmm... We'll see! Not even sure I can remember half of what I wrote! Some nonsense I'm sure!

I've decided my hair is getting just too long now. Sure it's easy to just whip back into a ponytail and pretend I spent more than 2 seconds doing it in the mornings. It certainly annoys me when I go to dry it. It takes ages. I'm still shedding hair post pregnancy, and so the hairs all over the place are super long. There's certainly no chance of blaming them on hubby! I've booked in for a cut this weekend.  I'm just not 100% on how short I go. I had a bob length style a couple of years ago that I really liked. It did take a bit of maintenance, but I finally felt like I had a hair 'style' and not just a haircut. I rang my hairdresser this afternoon to book it in. Gosh she's good! I certainly don't go every 6 weeks or whatever they recommend, and I only started going to this salon a few months before my wedding in 2009. I ring, I tell her what I want done, and she asks if that's Belinda? I wouldn't say I have a unique or memorable voice, but wow! How does she remember?!?

Ok so one part of the missing blog post was to mention that the other week my weeny boy turned the big 6 months old! I don't know where the time has gone! I swear 5 minutes ago he was teeny tiny in my arms, needing night time feeds, wearing 0000 clothes, and still had that newborn smell. He's now had his 6 month check up at the local baby health clinic, and last Friday he went to the GP's for his needles. He was so brave. He cried when the needles went in, but stopped so quickly afterward. What a good boy!

I've mentioned before that Dylan got his second tooth through a few weeks ago. They are certainly taking a while to come up, but I did manage to take this shot of him last week where you can just see the both of them.

For the life of me I can't remember what else was in the missing blog post, so for now I'll end my ramblings here! It might come back to me later!



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