It's November already!

It's the LAST WEEK.... I can't believe it! This time next week I will have gone back to work and had my 2 day working week done and dusted. It's just not fair!!! The past few months have just flown by and now the weather has warmed up and is so lovely I can't imagine being cooped up in a dreary office away from my weeny boy.  My hubby had booked in time off work last week but as the weather forecast was so terrible he postponed it to this week. I love him dearly but in my last week at home he's driving me mad!! Maybe it's a sign that I should just go back to work so we don't end up killing each other! Ha!

The last few days I've been starting to think about Christmas. What to do, where to go, what to buy. I've decided it's all too hard and I should just escape to a tropical island where Christmas doesn't exist! Unfortunately each time I head to the shopping centre I am bombarded with Christmas crap that reminds me that I won't be escaping and need to get organised. I can say I have knocked one very important job off the never ending Christmas list... Dylan's first Santa photo! We took Dylan down to one of the nearby shopping centres earlier this week and plonked him down on Santa's lap. We were expecting tears, but he was actually really good. He happily sat on Santa's lap, either looking up his decidedly white fake beard, or just staring at us wondering why the heck he was sitting on this strangers lap! I managed to get a few sweet smiles out of him and we were done! Glad to get it done before the school holidays commence and the shops get ridiculously busy.

Yesterday I was in the mood for baking. Just something simple, but something different. I trawled my recipes and ended up on a very simple butter cake. I decided it needed just something to sweeten it up by chucking in a good handful of raspberries. Delish!! I dug out a cake tin I bought years ago but had actually never gotten around to using. It was shaped like a little vw beetle and had quite a bit of detail to it. A thick icing on the cake would hide the car details so a light dusting of icing sugar was much quicker. I was tempted to take a photo but I wasn't quick enough and it got sliced up! Yum yum yum! The other outcome of my baking mood was finally making a decision on Dylan's 1st birthday cake for next month. I've ummed and ahhed for a few weeks now over what sort of cake to make him. Why I'm bothering about a cake that he won't remember and no one will see is beyond me, but it just sounds like a fun thing to do!! I ended up buying the bumper Womens Weekly kids birthday cake book and decided on just the simple '1' cake. I figured he will never be one again so it's now or never! That and maybe it might be easier for a baking novice like me! So yesterday I googled for the right cake tin to make this '1' cake and hopefully it should arrive next week. At least if it turns into a disaster I can just leave it as a rectangle and cover it with as much icing as possible!

Today my darling boy turns 11 months old. He's still not quite crawling, but he loves to hold our hands and stand up. Once he's up he usually wants to be 'walked' around the house or the backyard. He cries if we leave him with his toys in the lounge room just sitting down. He just needs to master getting up from a sitting position and I doubt it will be long before he's walking himself. Such a sweet happy boy!



  1. Such a sweetheart! He looks so happy, such a sweet smile and standing so calmly with Dylan on his back!!



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