My boy is growing up!

Some days, I just can't believe how big my weeny boy is getting.  On Easter Monday we had a picnic in a local park where we caught up with all the old Playgroup mums and bubs.... not that you could call any of them "bubs" anymore!  They are all walking, playing, getting into mischief and having toddler tantrums.  I met all these mums at the local Baby Health Clinic when all our babies were just a few weeks old.  It's been just amazing to see how much and how quickly they've all grown.

Yesterday I had a lovely catch up two of my old friends and their kiddies.  We met up at a Play centre roughly in the middle of where we all live in Sydney.  I wasn't sure how Dylan would go on all the equipment, but he had a blast!  He was climbing in and out of ball pits, trying out all the slippery slides, and even had his first bounce on a trampoline.  He just loved it and wanted to be near all the other kids.  He was well and truly worn out by the time we left.  And so was I!

I've really started to notice a massive increase in his understanding my instructions quite recently.  I'll tell him it's time for a nappy change and he'll know to head off into his room to the change table.  He gets all kinds of things out of our cupboards, but once I see his attention to these items begin to fade, I'll tell him to put them back in the cupboard.... and he does!  Even this afternoon as I was getting his bottle ready after a trip to the park, I told him to sit down and we'll take off his shoes.  So he promptly plops himself down and starts tugging at the Velcro straps! Bless him!

After our trip to the Play centre yesterday I followed him around the backyard with the camera. I may have bribed him with a biscuit, but he happily posed, then played on around me.  Love my weeny boy!

Oh that crazy hair in the afternoon sunshine! What am I going to do about it??

Finally you actually look up at the camera! It only took half a dozen fart noises for you to notice me!

Looking a bit more serious now. He needed to see what Daddy was doing in the garage.

Daddy was trying to fix my car but he always has time to stop and have cuddles.  And mid-cuddle Dylan spots the car keys .... just out of reach!

Dylan spots a plane in the skies overhead and that pointy finger comes out!

Wow! Those planes are super exciting mum!



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