
Week 34

Unfortunately things fell apart during the week.  I was hoping that we were all on the mend but it quickly became apparent that we weren't, and we went downhill quickly.  There's been more whinging and moaning and sleepless nights and day naps and the tissues... boxes and boxes of tissues.  It's just no fun.  When the sleepless nights turn into cranky days, you just lose your shit sometimes. You yell. You yell at anyone who's there. You say things I'm sure you wouldn't normally say if you were well.  And decisions, oh my god, why is it so friggin hard to make a decision??? Like what should we have for dinner? Or should I put that other load of washing on or will it piss down with rain??

This week I've really felt quite isolated.  On my own little sick island where nobody wants to go.  Some days you just wish you had that magic fairy that would come and get your shit done for you.  I've been so lethargic this week that makes it seem everything is difficult and you just don't cope so well.  Things that you coped with before, have sent me off the deep end this week.  I've pretty much resigned myself to the job this coming week of advertising our pet parrot and her cage for sale.  I can't handle the noise anymore.  I'm sure I'll regret it down the track, but for now, while things feel so unmanageable, I just need one less stress. 

I temporarily had one little magic fairy helper today.  He helped get the clothes out of the washing machine and then pushed the entire basket out the laundry and then outside on the back steps.  As I watched him help, it took me back to Week 1's image.  Wow there's a bit of a change there!

A photo of my son, once a week, every week in 2014

Dylan's daycare has been pestering both hubby and I for weeks now.  One of their little fun projects has been to set up a "Family Tree" where they are hanging photo's of all the kiddies families from it's branches.  It sounds great, and it looks great in the room, but it kinda makes me sad.  The reason for the pestering has been just that we haven't submitted a photo to them.  We just don't have a photo to give them.  I think from memory we have just 3 photos of our little family.  One I got my Dad to take a shot of us in hospital when Dylan was born.  One was taken by my good friend who took some gorgeous shots of Dylan when he was about 6 weeks old and there is one of the three of us.  I think I took a bit of a selfie of the three of us in February this year at a party. It's dodgy, it was on my phone, I wouldn't show it to anyone.  We don't have anyone around who can take our goddamn picture and send it to daycare and it makes me sad. 

This sickness has turned me into a whiny moaning grumpy cow and I hope I just bloody well snap out of it by next week! 

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Chin up … I'm sure this next week will be better … sounds like you need a holiday!!
    PS I'd be happy to take some photos of you … but where and when would be the issue.
    PPS Are you sure you haven't got a bun in the oven … nothing like that to make you feel overwhelmed ;0)

    1. Forgot to reply - definitely no bun in the oven sorry Jo!!!

  2. I understand entirely how you feel, but my isolation factor is distance, not sickness . . .

    And Jo will take your photo for you, and ask you all the pertinent questions at the same time :-) xxx

    1. Just give me a list of things you'd like to know and I'll do my best ;0)

    2. Ha ha! I'd like to know what all these questions are!!


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