My little helper

Toddlers just like to help, and this help comes in many forms. Helping carry the pegs out to the clothesline, helping to spread the pegs all across the backyard. Helping to wipe his own snotty nose with a tissue, then taking said tissue and putting it in the bin, or just somewhere random for me to find later. Help can be really really good and useful, and it can be a downright pain in the butt.  Dylan has learnt so much lately and we try to make the most of these skills.

When we get up in the mornings we go through our usual routine.  Now that the weather is horribly cold, Dylan loves to be one flicking on the switch and turns on the gas fire.  If we are doing some washing, I can hand him the clothes and he will put them in the washing machine.  He loves to press the buttons to set the machine off, and he always claps his hands together all excited once it starts.  He's just as helpful when the load is done as he loves to pull the washing out of the washing machine and putting it into the basket for me.  In the afternoons we fold the clean clothes and pretty much any of Dylan's clothes and some of hubby's we can ask Dylan to take them and put them away in the right drawers or shelves.

Yesterday Dylan took his level of helping one step further. It was probably close to 5:30pm and I was just starting to getting some of dinner going. Dylan decided it was definitely time for dinner (he's a total garbage guts - and that's putting it politely!) and he decided he would help set the table.  He firstly opened the drawer to the sideboard and could only reach the top of the pile of placemats. He pulled one placemat out and carried it over to the dining table. He managed to get it up on the table, and I straightened it out for him. He then headed in to the kitchen and opened the cutlery drawer. He reached up and could only manage the nearest section which happened to have the steak knives. Cue me panicking!! He pulled down 2 knives and with me hovering right over him, he carried them to the table and put them up on the placemat.  Seeing that he wanted to do the job properly, I pulled out another placemat and helped him pick up 2 forks. The forks got carried over to the table and were laid out on a placemat.  He wasn't finished with his helping, as he headed back into the kitchen and opened the cupboard and carried the salt and pepper grinders over to the table. He got them on to the table, but then had to climb up on to the chair to push them further into the centre of the table.  With one more trip in to the kitchen he pulled out of the cupboard the tomato sauce and brought it back to the table.  I honestly could not believe he had it in his head set the table.  Such a good little helper!


  1. What an amazingly good helping boy!!! He needs a big smooch from Grandma xxxx


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