Welcome to the sick house

Dylan has had a runny nose for over a month now. It just won't stop. Combined with another ear infection requiring more antibiotics, and a charming case of conjunctivitis, he's pretty miserable. And I don't blame him one bit! I managed to catch his cold about 2 weeks ago, and just when I was hoping I had the tail end of it, it's come back worse than ever. Head cold. Sinus pain. Body aches. Bleurghhh!

The one good part of this sad story is that at least he's sleeping through the night and generally still having good solid day naps.  Well he WAS sleeping through the night until last night. He woke this morning at some ungodly hour having a bit of a cry, and again this morning when I was just getting up to head off to work. He cried a little, called out 'Mummy', and that was enough to make my heart melt! Usually his cries are babbling or the occasional word, but today, 'Mummy'.  Oh my poor darling boy!

I'm sure I'll tire of being called out to during the nights, but that one little word has made my day.



  1. Poor darling. He needs a holiday in the sun for a while. And sounds like he needs to take 'Mummy' with him xxx

    1. I won't say no to a holiday in the sunshine!! xx


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