
Week 32

Sometimes you've just gotta laugh.  This week has been one of those funny ones where if you don't laugh you'll cry.  We are still sick, and now hubby has caught the dreaded lurgy too.  I'm trying to get myself better with rest, as little stress as possible, keeping warm, and trying to eat a bit more healthily (not so successful with a massive packet of biscuits in the cupboard!).  I'm going to say I think it's working... a little bit.  I'm not waking myself up so much now, whereas before hubby thought he was sleeping next to a seal who liked barking all day and night.

During the week we had a bit of a drama.  Hubby was home from work in the afternoon and Dylan was happily playing in the lounge room.  I decided to sneak outside and get the washing off the line.  In the 2 minutes I was out there Dylan decided to come looking for me.  He sees that he's been shut inside, and reaches up and flicks the lock on the glass sliding door.... Yep both hubby and I are LOCKED OUT! Dylan thought it was hilarious! We were gesturing to get him to unlock it but he just kept waving at us and laughing! Luckily hubby had been out working in the garage and had his set of keys on him.  I hate to think what we would have had to do to get inside otherwise!

On Friday I was sent home from work by my boss who also did not like my seal impressions.  I tried to rest and relax, but I don't think that hour or so in bed watching crap tv really helped much.  I counted down the hours til I could go pick up Dylan from daycare, cos I just missed him.  I only do the daycare morning drop off, so it's rare I get to sneak in and watch what Dylan is doing and how he's interacting with the other kids and carers.  He was having a ball, as usual!  It took a minute or two before I hear his voice call out "mummy!" and he comes to greet me at the door. Love those big reunion cuddles!  So we leave the centre and head home.  Just as we are slowing down in traffic I hear a familiar sound from the back of the car, and then the sound of the car door springing open!! So now we know all about why they put child locks on car doors!!

Today has been all about keeping Dylan busy.  Riding in his cozy coupe up and down the driveway.  Pushing his Tonka truck around. Even a trip to the park to ride his little trike around the bike path.  And lastly before lunch, a bubble blowing extravaganza! Dylan had enough of watching me blow the bubbles, it was his turn or a tanty!  He kinda got it, but most of the time the bubble wand went right up to his lips and he ended up blowing bubbles out of his mouth!  I'm sure that bubble solution isn't meant to be consumed or worn all over the face, but that's just how we roll here.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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