
I went back to work this week and Dylan went back to daycare.  He's not in the Babies room anymore.  As I dropped him off on Monday morning my heart broke to leave him, just that little bit.  Just like his very first day of daycare last year, all over again.  He seems to be settling in to life with the bigger kids pretty well, but he has been transitioning to it by his carers for the last few months.

Day 1 of life in the bigger kids room and he comes home having learnt all new things.  He kept pointing at his eyes, and saying "blue eyes", then "Daddy blue eyes", which is entirely true for both of them.  Mummy's green eyes were a little harder to say, and so often he decided to call them "purple" instead! He is certainly turning into a perceptive little man.

Being back at daycare also means he gets picked up by hubby in the afternoons, and that means a ride in the "daddy car" which is lots of fun.  He loves hearing the "daddy car", being in the "daddy car", and even just playing around the "daddy car".  This morning was no exception.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Gee, he has got really big when I wasn't looking! Ooops. Bad me. Love the car too, can't blame him. Looks very fast! lol

    1. Yep he's shot up Mandy! Red does go faster apparently! :)


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