A last hurrah before..... twins!!

On one of my days off this week I ventured across Sydney to visit my dear friend Mel.  She's got a gorgeous 2 1/2 year old girl who Dylan went head to head with over the toys, and she's due in the next few weeks with twins.  Yep... twinnies!!  The last time we managed to catch up she was right on 20 weeks.  It sure shows how fast time flies!

We also had another friend come for the catch up, who brought her 2 sweet little girls along.  Dylan was totally overrun with girls, but he didn't seem to mind, after all, there were trucks and diggers to play with!

Now my friend Mel swears she doesn't know the genders of her twins, so I'm gonna put my guess in writing right here.  I say one boy and one girl!   I don't know if I've ever been right making uneducated guesses, but I don't quite know how the draino test is supposed to correctly guess one of each.  Yes the draino test!  The infallible, totally legit test where you mix pee and highly toxic draino which will tell you if your unborn bub will have pink bits or blue bits based on the colour of the lethal concoction!  Except in my case...... it was wrong! Ha!

Some people reckon they can tell by the way the bubs are sitting. High, low, wide, square... whatever!  I don't get it!  Can you tell???

Regardless, I think for this far along with twins, Mel looked fabulous and I'm sure newborn twins will be tough, but she'll take it all in her stride.  And if things get tough, there's a bunch of us that will happily come bearing sugar, carbs, caffeine, nappies, or whatever she needs to get through it.  We all love you Mel!

So, until we hear the exciting news, I'll keep my fingers crossed my guess is right, and hope for cool weather, long naps, and good health.



  1. I'm saying two of the same, but I don't know if it's two boys or two girls! :-)


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