
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there for today!  We've had a quiet-ish day, with just a small lunch for hubby's parents.  Dylan wasn't feeling well and complained of a sore tummy.  He asked for medicine and wanted me to take his temperature.  We put him into bed for his nap and happily he awoke around 3 hours later feeling much better.

This afternoon I grabbed the camera to attempt any kind of shot for today's post and Dylan just wanted to sit on me and look at the pictures on the camera - not to be in them!  I asked him to move away a bit and nooo... there was no way!  I told him I would cry, and proceeded to vocalize a great big howling pretend cry.  This was met with a great big belly laugh from Dylan.  Eyes closed, mouth open laughter.  We are clearly having a silly Sunday afternoon!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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