
A few weeks ago when hubby was driving to work he passed some houses that were about to have a council clean-up.  There were piles of junk, old furniture, and random stuff on the nature strip.  For some reason he stopped the car and had a look through as something had caught his eye.  I can't even tell you the reason for it, but he picked up a little kids skateboard which was still perfectly fine.  I know he's used it to wheel around bulky furniture or something, but of course it ended up going to Dylan.  I'm definitely not a fan of skateboards and clumsy toddlers, but I can't keep him away from it forever.

Today he decided to have a go, thankfully volunteering to get his own helmet on.  Mostly he just wanted to sit on it, push it up and down the driveway, but he did have a go riding it.  He stuck out his arms to balance himself and off he went!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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