
Earlier this week was just a little bit HOT!  Ok, a LOT! Monday I was struggling getting on the packed train and just walking to and from the station to the office got me all hot and bothered.  I couldn't face it on Tuesday so I worked from home for the day which was a huge relief.  Thursday was a scorcher.  Sometime after midday I checked the temperature and it read a whopping 39 degrees.  I did manage to get Dylan inside in the cool during the heat of the day, but mid-morning he wanted to be out and in his little paddling pool.  

He jumped around the pool, splashing me (I certainly didn't mind!), and then just lay back having a kick.  We ended up with the sprinkler on too to top up the water and just make it even more fun.  I can certainly handle these kinds of summery fun days, but maybe not quite so hot ones next time thanks!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2016
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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