
Today I am just a bundle of nerves.  Stupid I know, but I just can't help it.

On Saturday hubby listed my old car for sale as the new car arrived from the dealership about 2 weeks ago.  We'd spent a while contemplating the sale, or the idea of my old car becoming hubby's car, and then selling his car, which was my old beetle.   In the end we couldn't part with my beetle, so my little hatchback was to be sold.  We didn't want to do it as soon as the new car arrived, as it would just be doing the usual daycare duties, shopping trips, and of course being left at the train station on the days I worked.  But, with Friday being my last day of work before maternity leave, Saturday afternoon was spent photographing the car and putting the ad online.  Within a hour we'd had 2 enquiries!  Eeek! We really didn't think it would happen so quick!  Sunday morning we had one of the enquiries come to inspect the car and he dropped back in on Sunday afternoon with a deposit.

While all this was happening, yesterday also happened to be our wedding anniversary.  7 years! Wow! It's gone so quick!  I had planned an afternoon/evening out for the two of us, which turned into just a few hours for dinner due to the car sale activities.  We took my car out for one last drive to our dinner date and as we drove home we thought about all the trips and experiences we'd had in that little car.  So many holidays up and down the coasts, visits to friends and family, shopping trips to all kinds of places and loading the car up with packages and boxes from Ikea and Bunnings and things for our renovations.  Closest to my heart was the very memorable drive home from hospital with my newborn Dylan all strapped in.

We got home, and within about an hour my little hatchback was gone off to it's new owner.  Goodbye mazda, we'll miss you!

And so today, I look outside and see my little car missing, and in it's place a monstrous 4WD beast of a car.  All big and scary looking.  In the 2+ weeks we've had the car it's been driven about 4 times, and none of those by me.  I've been the happy passenger pushing all the buttons and working out all the new fandangly bits and bobs that a "modern" car has.  There was no time for hesitation, Dylan had to go off to daycare this morning, and that meant one very nervous car trip for me.  I've never ever driven a "big" car.  My entire driving history has consisted of little hatchbacks, beetles, and on very few occasions, our old Kombi. 

As the nerves calmed down post car trip, this unfortunately coincided with my unborn babe's marathon or kickboxing session.  I was all bumps and kicks which I just didn't need.  Yes, this may be Day 1 of my maternity leave from work, but today is the ONE day I do NOT want it to be born.  Any other day will do, just not today!!  Today of course is 29th February, and being a leap year this day only occurs once every 4 years.  I'm sure it's my tight ass hubby's ideal day for it to be born.  Birthday presents only once every 4 years??? Yes please, he'd say!  Think of all that money we'd be saving!  As if!  Poor child.  Nobody would want their own special day just once every 4 years.  Certainly not my child! 

So I'm trying to be calm. Cross off the day's jobs on my list in a more gingerly fashion than I usually would.  Hope like hell that hubby gets home early and happily volunteers to drive the new car to do the daycare pick up. Most importantly, keep my legs firmly crossed and not encourage my bub to make it's grand entrance into the world today.  Maybe a nap will help?  Sounds like a good option to me!



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