
Week Twelve of the new year already.  Where has it gone?

This week I really tried to spend some quality time with Dylan.  I guess this will be the last chance we get this kind of one on one time before the baby arrives.  We spent hours just playing games, chatting and having good noisy fun.  We've even had some days where the weather was just that bit cooler so we could be outside and not be overheating within minutes!  Dylan ran around the backyard and I attempted very badly to chase him.  There was plenty of waddling on my part, and squealing on his part.  If we weren't pretending to be lions and tigers, it was usually race cars zooming around the pretend race track in the backyard.  And whenever there are race cars, that means there are dreadful, noisy crashes that require every make believe police car and ambulance to attend!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2016

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Wouldn't it be great to be able to fall down, rolls around and get back up again without breaking anything!! Oh, to be young again . . . .


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