
Its my second week of maternity leave and it feels like it's all going by in a blur.  Ask me what I did last week??? Ummm... No idea!  I know I tried to keep cool and stay out of this never-ending heat.  Someone definitely didn't get the memo - it's autumn now, not summer, PLEASE COOL DOWN!

I've been doing a few odd jobs around the house, both things for the baby and just some household jobs.  I know this is supposed to be the "nesting" phase, and I can see all the tasks in front of me, but the heat is getting to me and I have a total lack of motivation.  Yes I saw that I should be wiping down the skirting boards, and I noticed the cobwebs and grime on the clothesline even!  I'm slowly ticking off some of the tasks, unaware of just how long before this baby decides to arrive.  Some days I think I'm on top of everything, and others, the lists get longer and longer. 

One thing that remains in this new phase; I'm trying to spend quality time with Dylan, aware that his whole world is about the change.  He's been my little friend and companion, and hubby and I, have been his whole world.  He's about to learn a big lesson about sharing, and patience, but hopefully about love and new beginnings.  I'm fascinated about his perspective on what will happen once this new baby arrives.  He says he'll love it and give it lots of cuddles.  But how will he cope with the crying, the night time awakenings, and the loss of attention?

I snuck in to him during his afternoon nap the other day.  I watched him cuddle at least 3 different soft toys.  He seemed so happy, so peaceful.  I hope he's just as calm and happy once his baby brother or sister arrives.  Only time will tell...

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2016

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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