
We continue to struggle with getting Tristan to sleep during the day, but have had a couple of reasonable naps on some days this past week. Its just such a relief when he does sleep, but it's just too infrequent for my liking. We had the in-laws over for lunch yesterday. I'm sure they've heard all about the lack of sleeping going on from hubby, but they got to see it first hand and they were a bit shocked. He just springs wide awake once in his room and will cry until you pick him up. It went on all afternoon and no amount of feeding, patting, or coaxing would convince him to settle and sleep. Makes it very difficult and frustrating when we are trying to entertain. Although maybe choosing to entertain with a non sleeping baby wasn't such a great idea in the first place! During the week we progressed from attending the newborn Mothers group at the local Baby Health Clinic, and on to the 2 - 4 month old group. Hearing from some of the mum...