
We continue to struggle with getting Tristan to sleep during the day, but have had a couple of reasonable naps on some days this past week.  Its just such a relief when he does sleep, but it's just too infrequent for my liking.

We had the in-laws over for lunch yesterday.  I'm sure they've heard all about the lack of sleeping going on from hubby, but they got to see it first hand and they were a bit shocked.  He just springs wide awake once in his room and will cry until you pick him up.  It went on all afternoon and no amount of feeding, patting, or coaxing would convince him to settle and sleep.  Makes it very difficult and frustrating when we are trying to entertain.  Although maybe choosing to entertain with a non sleeping baby wasn't such a great idea in the first place!

During the week we progressed from attending the newborn Mothers group at the local Baby Health Clinic, and on to the 2 - 4 month old group.  Hearing from some of the mums with slightly older bubs who are now settling and day napping was encouraging.  I just hope Tristan decides to follow suit. 

We've been having a bit more tummy time this past week.  He's lasted longer than I expected, and some of the toys around him certainly got a little bit of attention.  I figured with his attention and focus improving I would fork out for one of those baby play mat/activity gyms.  I picked one up on Friday and he seems to enjoy it quite a bit.  When I put him down on it I can really notice how big he's getting and how he's changing.  9 weeks old already!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Dylan has been having a few more near misses when it comes to toileting this past week.  I'm not sure if it's just a bit of a regression, or just distraction.  I sometimes catch him totally engrossed in imaginative play, talking to himself, and having a great time.  So maybe he just gets a bit too caught up and then only gets to the toilet in the nick of time... or not!  I think I'll be keeping a bottle of spray disinfectant next to the toilet for a while.

With the old baby toys re-emerging for Tristan, Dylan has taken full advantage of "new toys".  I keep telling him to leave them as Tristan will put them in his mouth and I don't want them played with, especially with dirty hands.  But I can't really be mad at him for enjoying them all over again.  Yesterday I watched and listened to his very detailed phone conversation... I could hear bits and pieces that were EXACTLY how I speak on the phone.  It was hilarious and terrifying how they mimic our conversations! 

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Hahaha! Everything you say to them will come back at you at some time or other! It's how you know they actually are listening to you, even if you think they're not. And if you happen to say something bad, you know for sure that they heard it. And will repeat it. At the most inopportune time.

  2. pauline@mail.postmanllc.net


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