
I *think* we've had some progress with the non-sleeping baby this week.  We've definitely had some more days where the sleeping is better, and at least our good night sleeps seem to be continuing.  This past week hubby went back to work full time.  Yeah I know some guys only get a week or 2 at home with their babies, and I've had nearly 6 weeks and I should be thankful.  But it's still hard adjusting to not having that extra set of hands around, and someone else to take over when the crying starts to take it's toll and you just need to walk away from it for 5 mins.  Or take a shower.  Or do some sort of household chore!

With hubby back at work I've had to do my first daycare drop off of Dylan.  We managed to get out of the house at a reasonable time, even with the baby waking right in the middle of all the breakfast/dressing/teeth cleaning etc chaos.  I popped Tristan into the baby carrier so I was handsfree and took him inside the centre.  It was the first time I've taken him there since his move to the big kids room.  It was bedlam!  So glad the baby was up high strapped to me cos a thousand 3-5 year olds came up and tried to pat the new baby with their germy hands!  Dylan is just such a good big brother, and he was so proud to show off the new addition to the family to his little daycare friends.  He'll happily tell anyone and everyone that he's a BIG brother, and that he's 3!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

This past week Tristan turned 6 weeks old.  We had his 6 week check up at the baby health clinic where they confirmed we are doing a good job.  He's packing on the weight, up to 4.75kg, and shot up 5 centimetres since birth, now at 55cms.  He's healthy, smiley, and overall a sweet little bubba. We are off to the Doctor's this afternoon for his 6 week vaccinations.  I know it's good for him, but I'm sure I'll shed a tear.  Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.  My precious wee Tristan, you are just that much sweeter when you sleep!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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