
Overall not a bad week here. We've had a few outings, been on some walks and a 4th birthday party.  Its been a mostly wet weekend, and the perfect opportunity for cuddles on the lounge with my boys, and a little me time.  I've got the best excuse for some quiet days at home.  Hubby bought me (or was instructed to buy me) the box set of the Offspring TV show on DVD.  I love it! I've gone back to the beginning to watch the early years and see the episodes I missed out on, and to refresh my memory on the ones I saw.  So looking forward to the new season starting in a few weeks!

Tristan has been pretty good this past week.  Napping has been reasonable and night times are ok.  He had a few feeding strikes, but I knew he wouldn't starve himself, so I haven't been too worried.  This past week he hit 12 weeks old and I'm noticing his size 000 clothes getting a bit tighter.  I'm sure by this age Dylan was barely into 000!  Tristan has been smiling so much, and I've gotten the cutest giggles out of him this week.  I've also kinda realised how much I wish he was more of a summer baby.  With Dylan at this age we had plenty more opportunities to have fewer layers of clothes and really appreciate seeing the little chunky baby thighs, belly rolls and baby toes.  With Tristan he's covered up all day until bathtime, so just getting a glimpse of these sweet little baby features is a rarity.  I uncovered his little feet the other day just to snap away. He kicked his feet and waved his arms around happily.  How do they get so much fluff stuck around their toes???

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Dylan enjoyed a trip to his cousin's 4th birthday party this weekend.  He loved playing with the other kids there his own age, and we barely got an acknowledgement as he played on the slides and other equipment.  He was definitely off in his own little world and loving it!  He did some quiet colouring in the other day, and only stopped when offered a little piece of chocolate cake.  Definitely a little dreamer!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Love those fluffy feet! Looks like good cake, nom nom xxxx

    1. We don't get to see those toes quite enough!! As for cake, the messier the better! Xx

  2. Aww! those little toes! beautiful. x

    1. Nothing quite as sweet as baby toes!

  3. Very cute blog !! Awwww so so cute :)

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