
Its been a pretty awful week for us.  Both Dylan and I have been sick, and I've been desperately trying to avoid passing on our germs to little Tristan.  Daytime naps have been mostly of the 40 mins maximum variety, and night time sleep has been ok, but never long enough to really feel rested.

The other day I managed to get Dylan down for a nap, then feed time for Tristan went on and on.  He dozed and fed, and dozed and fed, until there was no more feeding, just dozing on my lap.  It was warm in front of the fire, so I stayed there for quite some time until my phone battery started to die, and the urge to go to the bathroom became a little more urgent.  Eventually I just had to make a move and attempted to slide him off my lap and onto the lounge beside me.  Success! Not only had he slept on me for around 1.5 hours, but he continued to snooze on the lounge for about another 30-40 mins. 

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

This week hubby decided it was time for Dylan to have a haircut.  Somehow he got his confidence up and decided to have a go himself rather than leaving it to me.  The last few haircuts I've been very cautious, snipping away, not taking too much off at a time.  I wish my hubby had the same level of caution.... but no. Hack hack hack is the best way to describe it!  Poor Dylan's sweet little curls are all gone.   It's way shorter than I would ever do and I feel sad as he just doesn't look the same without all the curls.  Next time he gets close to needing a haircut I think I'll take him off to a hairdresser to get it done properly.  At least then it should be exciting, and not the cause of such a sad face!!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Such cute pics....it's hard when they are sick and just want to be with you every minute....hope your family are feeling better soon. Regards Kathy A Brisbane Australia


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