
Here we are at the end of another year of photos. It's gone by just ever so fast.  I can't say it's been a good year, but looking back at the photos taken, at least these can make me smile.  Not sure if I can do another year. Maybe.... we'll see!

Dylan - Happy 4th Birthday little buddy.  We held your party on the Sunday, and here, 2 days later you officially were 4.  No time nor inclination to make another cake, so you got one of the left over Transformers cupcakes and a candle to blow out.  And you were happy with that.  Looking ever so much more grown up now.  My beautiful big boy.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Tristan - Here you are on Christmas eve at your Poppy's house exactly 9 months old.  You sat up at the table for our lunch and shovelled in handfuls of avocado and bread like such a good boy.  I wish you'd had a bigger nap, but after food, cuddles with your cousins and a swim in the pool you were exhausted.  Your beautiful blue eyes are shining as you slump on the lounge all content with receiving more attention than you usually receive.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016



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