Excuses excuses!

It's a cold morning here. The heater is pumping, I've got my warm trackies on, and I'm relaxing on the lounge... for now.  It does look like a bright sunny day outside, but I can see the trees and bending in the wind and I just know its cold outside.  Maybe I'm convincing myself its okay to stay curled up today. I've already told myself I WILL go to my boxing class tonight. No chickening out this week! My excuse last week... Well, that glass of wine had called my name. I was psyching myself up to watch the season finale of Offspring. I had my topped up glass of wine, my box of tissues, and hubby had kindly already delivered me a piece of chocolate. I think he must have thought I looked like I needed it! So that was all a good enough reason to not get off my butt and go to the class. But no excuses tonight! I'll now get myself psyched up for the agony I'll feel tomorrow! 

As I sit on the lounge and look at across at the dining room, all I see is mess. The birds cage is the main contributor. Her spent bird seed, and unwanted items get chucked out the side of the cage and all over the floor. Everyday, often numerous times a day I clean up around her cage. Usually mumbling to myself about the mess and why did I agree to keeping the bird in the first place?!? I also notice the dust under the dining table... It glistens in the sunlight, almost pretty... until I remember it is DUST. I need to mop the floor. But that leads me to my daily dilemma. Do I dare get cleaning, knowing I'll be noisy, knowing that means my weeny boy will get woken from his slumber just too early? Mostly, I don't dare. Call me lazy, but for now I'd rather know he's getting a good sleep. Dylan is often a light sleeper, and so boiling the jug, vacuuming, and general rearranging of items for the purpose of cleaning them leads to a big whiny cry and no amount of coaxing will get him back to sleep. No problems you say? Just do the cleaning when he wakes up you say? Hmmm.. Yes I suppose I could. But I would miss out on spending time playing with him. I want to make the most of his waking hours, and enjoying my time with him. So why would I want to leave him to play alone and clean instead? That's crazy talk! I think I enjoy playtime almost as much as he does.



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