No excuses today!

I did it! I didn't chicken out! I went back to my boxing class last night. I can certainly feel the pain and aching in my arms and legs today so I didn't wuss out too much.  I think it's been close to 2 months since I last went to the class, and I can honestly say it wasn't my fault! I promise! The instructor decided to go on holidays but had a substitute run the classes for her; all her classes except the Wednesday night class - being the one class each week I actually attended! But in good news, the minute I walked into the class the instructor took one look at me and stated that she thought I'd lost weight! Awesome!

We had a bit of fun yesterday afternoon watching a number of bidding wars play out. My hubby decided to clean out some of his old car parts lying around, ones from old projects and random parts without a home.  He listed them all on eBay last week and they all finished up yesterday one after the other over a period of 1.5 hours.  As each item counted down the final seconds of its auction, bids were flying thick and fast. We certainly made more money than we thought on parts that were just taking up space and collecting dust! When my hubby first listed the items I told him that any money we made could buy me a nice bunch of flowers (cos I'm such a wonderful wife!). As the bidding progressed and the profit increased, we joked how my bunch of flowers were getting bigger and better! Now that the auctions are over I'll just wait patiently for my flowers. Somehow I don't think I should hold my breath for them!!

I will admit to completely slacking off with my cooking challenge over the past few weeks. I've had good intentions, pouring over my recipe magazines and browsing various cooking websites. But putting it into practise just hasn't happened. Procrastination has definitely won the day.  I pulled my finger out yesterday and baked a lovely date and banana loaf. I left it cooling on the bench a little while before hubby got home. So the minute he was in the door, the smell of baked goodies came wafting to him and he was soon hanging around the kitchen enquiring as to when he could tuck in.  Maybe that was my way of gently breaking the news to him that I would be off to my boxing class, hence dinner, and dealing with Dylan and his dinner was left up to him. I say fair enough! You want baked goodies, and I want time out for me!

And as for the dust on the floor I mentioned yesterday... My guilty mind got the better of me. Right after I got Dylan in his cot and he was getting sleepy, I fired up the vacuum and got to work. Now whether the 'white noise' sent him off to the land of nod, or maybe he was just too weary, by the time I was done he was fast asleep.  I'm calling it a fluke!



  1. Good on you ... there's a severe lack of motivation at my place for anything that even resembles exercise.

  2. I used to vacuum UNDER your cot when you were having your afternoon nap, and you'd sleep right through!! :-) xxx


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