I'm on a battlefront and I'm not winning

I knew it would happen at some point, my weeny boy is growing and learning and now he's causing a hell of a lot of trouble! Somehow we've been blessed up until now to have a generally good* napper. When we are at home and it's time for either of Dylan's day naps, he has his little routine. He gets laid down in his cot, and the dummy goes in. His little zip up swaddle suit goes on where his arms are inside but laying up so he can rub his face or suck his hands. The mobile gets wound up and the nightlight/sound machine goes on which plays a gentle heartbeat sound for a 30 minute stretch. A kiss goodnight and I'm out the door. In most cases I don't go back in again until he wakes around 2 hours later. Feet up and time for a cuppa!!

A couple of weeks ago I decided it was time for a shift of the furniture in our lounge room. Dylan had hardly any space to play as our coffee table took up so much of the useable space. So one day I moved the lounges a bit and pushed the coffee table into the corner of the room. Suddenly Dylan had all this space and he didn't know what to do with it! Up until this point Dylan wasn't particularly fond of tummy time and so he had learnt to roll from his tummy to his back, he had never rolled from his back to his tummy. I mean why would he when he hated it?! So, back to the lounge room, Dylan worked out what to do with the space, roll over, and over, and over!! It's been all well and good to watch him, but now, he's doing it in his cot too!

The last few days and nights we've often gone in to Dylan after a nap or his overnight sleeps to find him in some odd position. The swaddle suit has to go as we can't have him rolling over with his hands restricted as it's just not safe. I have a baby sleep bag to transition him to, but it's a little warmer than I'd like, especially considering the weather just recently.  Yesterday I decided to try the sleep bag for his morning nap. I lasted about 20 minutes! As soon as he was in it he rolled over and spat the dummy out causing it to roll over the side of the cot and onto the floor. He cried. He shrieked. It didn't matter how many times I put the dummy back in, straightened him up and tucked him in again, he just wouldn't settle. After 20 minutes I couldn't handle it anymore and put him back in the swaddle suit so we'd get a relatively good nap.  I decided it was just too hot and I should try again when it's a cooler day. This morning I tried again. Again, he cried, he rolled over, he spat the dummy out, he just wouldn't settle. I gave up.   This afternoon I decided I had to try again. He cried and carried on like a pork chop for a good 50 minutes and finally fell asleep. 35 minutes it lasted! He screamed and was clearly tired and upset. There was the stench of poo in the air, so after a quick nappy change I put the swaddle suit on and got another 30 minutes sleep.

The battle of the sleep bag is not over but it's not looking good. I've ordered one of the super summer lightweight sleep bags in the hope it helps us reach the right temperature. In the mean time I guess I persevere. Wish us luck!!

*this assumes the following:
- it's not too hot
- it's not too cold
- the tv isn't on too loud
- the dogs next door aren't barking
- the bird doesn't start shrieking
- there is no-one mowing or whippersnippering within 200 metres



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