More sleep issues

We still aren't winning the sleeping war with Dylan and his sleeping bag. Thursday night I think I got up to him 6 times throughout the night. Friday I had a catchup with the mums from our playgroup, so I had to get in a decent morning nap before we headed out. I think he was pretty tired after his awful night and he nodded straight off in his swaddle suit. Thank goodness!! Friday afternoon wasn't great and his nap was partly in the sleeping bag and partly in the swaddle suit. Friday night was slightly better with maybe 4 wake ups through the night. Yesterday afternoons nap was practically non existent. After a lovely lunch catch up with family, Dylan screamed and cried and refused to sleep for about 2 hours after we got home. I was hoping that he would be so tired from his lack of nap that last night would be great. I whinged to my hubby that it was his turn to get up through the night as I was so exhausted. As it turned out Dylan did wake up numerous times and hubby had to drag himself out of bed and try to settle him. I think he realised just how tiring it is day after day!

Today's morning nap was better than average. It still took Dylan a while to nod off, but when he did, it was a good 2 hours. Phew! I'm currently sitting and waiting for him to wake up. He was obviously buggered as he nodded off within minutes of being placed in the sleeping bag in his cot. Yay!! But I still don't like my chances of getting him to sleep through the night tonight.  The cheeky little bugger did decide to play peek a boo with the sheet last night when trying to get him to settle. He would pull the sheet up over his head, then pull it down suddenly and grin like a lunatic at me. It was just too cute and I couldn't help but have a giggle. This of course made him want to keep playing and get a reaction. Naughty boy!

It's been a lazy day and I really haven't ventured far from the lounge. So much for making each day count!! Tomorrow marks exactly 4 weeks til I head back to work. I'm still in denial about it.  I cooked up 3 batches of food for Dylan this morning, so I figure I deserve a lazy day!



  1. I think the answer is to to try not to stress about it all too much ... these things all end up working themselves out. Mind you that's much easier said then done. And I'm looking back with hindsight and two teenagers that never want to get out of bed!!


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