Week 4 I can't believe it's week 4 already. And we've had 2 weeks of daycare.... which has led to the sniffles. Runny nose, coughing, and generally a bit of a cranky pants. As soon as he was down for his nap I decided to get one of those jobs that you just seem to put off again and again... sorting and sending off to print photos of Dylan. The last lot I printed and sorted into his albums were from August last year, so there was quite a bit to catch up on! So just as he woke up from his afternoon nap bed hair and teddy blanket thing in hand I had the camera ready! "A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014" Even when he's not well, he's still so damn cute! Okay, I may be biased, but that's alright by me! Linking up with Jodi for Project 52 . Bel