Pain, picnics and sweet newborn cuddles

Turns out I'm not as lazy as I thought. I went back to my aerobics/boxing/weights class last night. Lucky for me the class was cancelled over the Christmas and New Years period, so I didn't feel so guilty not going. I'm in agony today though. The instructor had been to some kind of workshop over the last week and decided to change things up a bit. Lots of extra jumping around, martial arts style kicking and other wacky moves created to cause me pain. I actually did go to the class last week too, but it was on one of those stinking hot days. The class is held in a non air conditioned community hall, and after the aerobics, boxing and running, I wasn't feeling so good. Water was making me queasy so I stepped out the side door to try get some air.... Perfect, as I started to have a chuck over the side railing! Nice one! So I did only half the class before calling it quits and dragging my sorry arse home.

I meant to add the following picture to my post on Sunday but completely forgot. I'll blame the ongoing case of baby brain (no I am NOT pregnant again!), alternative I'll call it my seniors moment. We had a lovely picnic dinner at a nearby park on Saturday evening. Just a happy snap with my iPhone, of my boys both watching the action on the sandy strip of beach.

I took a trip on Sunday evening across Sydney to visit an old school friend of mine. Tracy had a gorgeous baby boy on the Thursday, and I wanted to come meet the newest addition to her family and get my fix of newborn cuddles. This is her 4th child, and she made it all look so easy taking all the newborn issues in her stride.  Here is the sweetest little Samuel I've ever met!

And I couldn't not get a shot without the Mum in there.  

Some days I miss the newborn phase, but I certainly now appreciate the sleeping through the night! It was just amazing to see how tiny he is, not to mention how lightweight he is compared to picking up Dylan who must be around the 10kg mark now. Looking forward to more newborn cuddles with my brother and sister-in-laws baby due in the next 2.5 weeks.



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