Week 2

Ok so here goes Week 2. A day late, but here nonetheless.

"A portrait of my son once a week, every week, in 2014"
I was busy doing some housework and wondered why it was so quiet (never a good sign with a 1 year old around!). Dylan was happily sitting in the lounge room reading a book. He loves these touchy-feely books. He just knows where to put his fingers now on almost every page.

To help keep the momentum of my blog post every week, I've decided to join in with the 52 project. Not sure how I'll go, but things can only get better!!

Its been a big big day! Day one of daycare. He was really pretty good when we arrived. Just taking in what the other bubbas were doing and checking out the toys. He had a bit of a meltdown when they tried to put him in a highchair, but I stayed and helped feed him and he calmed down quite quickly. Once he was outside for some playtime I watched to make sure he seemed ok then made my exit. The carers were great, making sure I was ok as I wiped away the tears. Dylan was fine! I was a mess. I left the centre and drove off down the road where I promptly pulled over and blubbered away for a few minutes. I felt terrible... awful... a bad bad mother abandoning her baby.  Mother guilt hit hard.

I managed to compose myself enough to continue the drive to the local shopping centre where I drowned my sorrows with some retail therapy. Clothes and shoes for Dylan, 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of capri pants and a top later and I'd had enough! The carers at daycare advised to give Dylan a short day, so at 1pm I headed back to find Dylan happily playing inside. At first there wasn't much acknowledgement, but then it hit and I was given the biggest cuddle and cheeky grin. I missed you weeny boy!!

Tomorrow is a full day with an early start for Dylan. Fingers crossed all goes well.



  1. I've got all my fingers and toes crossed ... hope it's as stress free as possible. I'm sure he will be fine.

  2. What a clever boy, reading his book! I'm glad you're doing this, it will be amazing to see how much he has grown by the end of the year.



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