
Showing posts from March, 2014

A bit more camera testing...

Again this week I've tried to get out and play with the new camera. Trying to get some lovely shots of Dylan going about his usual routine and playtimes. He's getting so long and tall... Trying to open up Daddy's car door... Out in the garden he delighted in picking some cherry tomatoes.  And then proceeded to squish them! Until he found something else to focus his attention on... Cuddles with Daddy in the backyard Boys and their toys! And then this afternoon we headed off for a drive to a park not too far away, with a slight hidden agenda! We then walked down the hill and onto the sand... We checked out all the tiny crabs! Check out this boy's head of curls. It's just too adorable for words! And it should NOT be cut off... never... ever...!   As for that slight hidden agenda. Well hubby and I had both spotted a house for sale on Domain that we quite liked. So we did an ever so subtle drive by. Shame it will g...


Week 13 Once again Dylan has caught a horrible cold from daycare.  Thursday night he was just so miserable that we couldn't possibly send him to daycare on Friday. The problem was that I had some really important tasks to be done at work. Hubby was able to take the day off, but he had the work car at home, and his car with the other baby seat parked at the office.  So Friday morning he had to get up at the usual ungodly hour and drive to work, only to pick up our car and turn around and drive home in time for me to get off to work on time. Love those Friday morning dramas! On Thursday I could see through the day that Dylan was getting progressively worse but he still enjoyed some playtime outside.  Here he decided that the lens cap of my camera was fair game... A photo of my son, once a week, every week in 2014 I love your sweet little face my lovely little man. Inquisitive eyes, and ruffled hair, with a little dribble on your top, naturally.  L...

Happy Blogging Anniversary!

ONE WHOLE YEAR!!  Can you believe it? I've been blogging here for one year. Tuesday the 26th March, 2013 was the momentous day where I dared to try something new. A place for me to share my thoughts and feelings. Where I could talk openly about my motherhood journey and my beautiful boy who was just 3 months old at the time.  Those first few months I didn't post too often. It took me a while to work a few things out, but I think I'm getting there... Slowly. So have things changed in the year?? Yes! And dramatically! This time a year ago we were just starting to get our sleep back as Dylan was just starting to sleep through the night. Once you have a decent stretch of sleep, we found we were able to cope with things so much better.  We were still struggling a bit with the breastfeeding and top up formula feeding, but as Dylan was putting on weight and was happy, we were happy.   Work was so far from my mind and my maternity leave seemed like it would stretch on fore...


Week 12 A number of days this week the weather forecast has advised of afternoon storms or some showers. So each day that we were at home I tried to maximise our time outdoors as Dylan just loves it so much.  As soon as he is fed and ready for playtime we get outside with a few toys and just have fun.  Quite often this involves water; be it the hose, the watering can, or just a simple bucket of water. Dylan loves to splash about!  Being the spoil sport I am, I'm constantly running after him trying to put his hat on.  What toddler actually wears a hat?? I'd love to know how to get him to keep his hat on. Surely there is a way to get him to stop taking it off, short of me stapling it to his head?? So here is this week's pic of Mr Cheeky taking off his hat the minute I put it back on. A photo of my son, once a week, every week in 2014 Linking up with Jodi and Project 52 . Bel

Just mucking around...

I've spent a little bit of time this week mucking around with my fandangly new camera!  I'm sure my hubby and Dylan are sick me already pointing it in their faces. But as they say, practise makes perfect! So here's a random selection of shots. Dylan playing with his daycare bag. Ever so exciting! Swing time fun! Not sure if the sultana snack was more exciting or playing in his tent! And when he wasn't allowed any more. All hell broke loose! He got sent a special present in the post this week. Dylan's very first mail addressed to him! He was thrilled with his new toy car! Bel


Week 11 What can I say about this week??  Not much other than there has been a serious lack of sleep.  I can mostly blame this lack of shut eye on the weeny boy, but otherwise I only have myself to blame.  One night out with my girlfriends was the culprit on one of those occasions.  But it was such a fun night, no kiddies, no husbands, just a few hours of good girl gossiping and frivolity!  The next day, being a work day, no amount of concealer would hide the under eye bags. The only thing to do was dose up on coffee and get through the day.  It was good in theory, but after multiple coffees; more than I would normally drink, I was buzzing! I was still buzzing at about 3am the next morning... Not the way to get a good night's sleep. One piece of exciting news for the week was that I finally got my new digital SLR camera! Yippee!!  The bad news is... I don't know how to use it other than "Auto" mode which kinda defeats the purpose. Oh well... It's s...


Week 10 We hit another milestone this week. Dylan is getting one of his molars come through! Tooth number 9.  And he still has a cough and the odd runny nose from his cold the other week. This last week we've had some absolutely atrocious nappies. Hubby and I were both dry retching from the smells... and the consistency was just horrid!  So maybe some of these issues were related to the teething.   Looking forward to a girls night out tonight, so no time to discuss the week just gone. Not that it was particularly interesting anyway. Work. Home. Work. Home. The fun never ends!! So here is my little man earlier today having a play in the backyard and just having dug his fingers into my herb pot then smearing the dirt on me! Thanks Dylan! You cheeky boy! A photo of my son, once a week, every week in 2014 Linking up with Jodi and Project 52 . Bel


Week 9 So here we are in Week 9. Summer has officially ended, and it feels like it's autumn already with the miserable dreary weather and cooler temps.  I know we desperately need the rain, but I miss the sunshine already!  Dylan absolutely loves being outside in the backyard, even the carers from Daycare have commented on how much he enjoys it.  So after going a bit crazy from keeping him indoors most of the day yesterday we decided to venture out this morning in between showers.  Dylan was still in his jammies, which are too big so I rolled up the pants and put a peg on the back to keep his pants up attached to the top!  First thing he does the minute he's outside, run over to a puddle and stick his hands in!  I'm thinking gumboots and a raincoat might be required if this rain keeps up - for both Dylan and I! A portrait of my son once a week, every week in 2014 Linking up with Jodi and Project 52 . I'm thinking these ones would be perfect for...