Happy Blogging Anniversary!

ONE WHOLE YEAR!!  Can you believe it? I've been blogging here for one year. Tuesday the 26th March, 2013 was the momentous day where I dared to try something new. A place for me to share my thoughts and feelings. Where I could talk openly about my motherhood journey and my beautiful boy who was just 3 months old at the time.  Those first few months I didn't post too often. It took me a while to work a few things out, but I think I'm getting there... Slowly.

So have things changed in the year?? Yes! And dramatically! This time a year ago we were just starting to get our sleep back as Dylan was just starting to sleep through the night. Once you have a decent stretch of sleep, we found we were able to cope with things so much better.  We were still struggling a bit with the breastfeeding and top up formula feeding, but as Dylan was putting on weight and was happy, we were happy.   Work was so far from my mind and my maternity leave seemed like it would stretch on forever.. Ahhh.. Happy days!!  The household was mostly in order, with just a few swaddles and sweet baby rattles and toys were within view.  12 months ago I had a beautiful little 3 month old baby who was growing and changing, and changing me into a mum who found she was allowed to enjoy just being a mum.

Now... Wow! Where do I start?? I'm a mum. I'm a part time worker. I'm the cook, cleaner and washer-upper er! I'm settled. I'm content. I have a 15 month old who is sweet and charming and cheeky and headstrong (I have noooo idea where that comes from!).  He has hair, and teeth, and an interest in what's going on around him. I have a house that looks like a play centre, and a freezer full of finger foods and snacks.  No more midnight feeds. No more swaddles. No more sweet newborn kisses.  But I have a toddler who helps himself to the cupboards, who opens the fridge and gets himself his sippy cup for a drink.  I have a toddler who loooves his food and wants to eat whatever we are eating plus his own meal!  I feel like I know who I am again, and not lost in the new mother haze. Life is good... Well mostly! You can't help the forgotten mobiles.. The ladders in your pantyhose.. And the one missing shoe.. Shit happens, but we deal with it.



  1. There is joy in every single stage, sometimes you have to look a little harder for it. What a change in one year - and the next will be just as dramatic and just as much fun. xxx

  2. Wow a whole year gone already … time flies when you're having fun :0)


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