
Week 10

We hit another milestone this week. Dylan is getting one of his molars come through! Tooth number 9.  And he still has a cough and the odd runny nose from his cold the other week. This last week we've had some absolutely atrocious nappies. Hubby and I were both dry retching from the smells... and the consistency was just horrid!  So maybe some of these issues were related to the teething.  

Looking forward to a girls night out tonight, so no time to discuss the week just gone. Not that it was particularly interesting anyway. Work. Home. Work. Home. The fun never ends!!

So here is my little man earlier today having a play in the backyard and just having dug his fingers into my herb pot then smearing the dirt on me! Thanks Dylan! You cheeky boy!

A photo of my son, once a week, every week in 2014
Linking up with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. awww... poor poppet! Those teeth are a pain. Poor mum too! Hope he improves soon.


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