And so another chapter comes to a close

Today was another one of those days where I realise Dylan is not the baby he was such a seemingly short time ago.  Today was Dylan's first day of moving on to cows milk permanently. The last of the formula is gone, and there's no going back.  We had a couple of false starts moving off the formula, and a few times where we chose to not change things up too much.  I thought he'd be ready shortly after his first birthday, but he still seemed so small, and so needing that bottle of milk.  Then he started daycare, and it just wasn't the right time. Then he went through a period of a couple of months where he was sick with cold after cold.  And lastly we've moved him off having 2 day sleeps, and down to one just after lunch.

I decided not to buy any more tins of his S-26 Gold Stage 3 Toddler milk, and see how we'd go getting him onto the odd bottle of cows milk.  I tried mixing half formula and half cows milk in his bottle to get him used to the taste, but he hated it.  So I just tried the full bottle of cows milk and success!  I also wanted to get him away from bottle and on to sippy cups for his milk.  I found that they made a training bottle/sippy cup from the same brand as the rest of his bottles.  It had handles that would fit any of his normal bottles, but the teat was swapped for a spout. I put off buying one for a while, then finally came across one on sale in Target a few weeks ago.  It's been tested a few times in the past few weeks and it's been accepted really well.  So yesterday I headed out to the shops and bought a second one so it could be used solely at daycare.  Today he happily had his milk for breakfast, one for the afternoon at daycare, and lastly one before bed. So I'd call moving off formula onto cows milk, and no more bottles a pretty momentous occasion for us.  My weeny boy is growing up before our very eyes.



  1. Aarrrgggghhh ... he'll be driving your car before you know it!!
    Must be about time for baby number 2 ... nudge, nudge, wink, wink ;0)


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