
Week 28

I finally caved.  We had one too many mornings of crazy wild hair sticking up in every direction only fixed by a hat!  I took Dylan for his very first haircut this week. Those sweet baby curls are now gone, trimmed into a neat toddler boy style. It makes me want to cry! But he does still have a few waves in his hair, so maybe not all the curls will be gone forever.

He happily sat up in the hairdressers chair shaped kinda like a quad bike. His hands were busy playing with all kinds of toys, and only occasionally did he turn around and wonder what this hairdresser woman was doing. I was so proud of how well he behaved.... Until it was time to leave... And that meant leaving all these fabulous new exciting toys.  Cue massive massive screaming crying kicking scratching pinching rolling around on the floor tantrum. I couldn't get away quick enough!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. I'd want to cry about the tantrum, rather than the haircut!



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