
Week 39

I'm having one of those real lazy Sunday afternoons. I feel like I need it after a late night out at the footy (my team won and has now made it into the Grand Final) and where I think I was too excited to sleep well. Oh and it doesn't help that someone forgot to close the shutters last night so I was woken by the bright morning lights at 6am! My hubby is sick again and Dylan is a bit snotty too.  So far I'm avoiding it, fingers crossed it skips me this time around!

Earlier today I took Dylan to the park to give hubby some space.  He's working on my car at the moment. All prep work before he repaints the whole thing. There's all kinds of chemicals out in the garage and I don't want Dylan to be around them too much.  The park was empty so Dylan enjoyed going on the slide time after time. I headed down the slide after Dylan and promptly ripped a button off my pants back pocket! Obviously adults wear just isn't cut out for park playtime. The slide gave me terrible static electricity too so my hair stood up and I gave Dylan an almighty zap when I picked him up!

Maybe it's safer just chilling out at home!
A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.

Go Doggies for next weekend!



  1. Electric shocks or chemical inhalation … it's a hard decision :0)
    Hope the doggies go better than the swans did.

  2. Nothing like a shocking experience at the park! Hubby sounds like he needs a tonic . . . or a holiday! xxx


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