Spring cleaning

So it's spring, and today I've done the closest thing I'm likely to get to a 'spring clean'. When I say today, I don't mean one of those all day things.. I was willing to dedicate a whopping great total of about 15 minutes to the job. I'm super keen you see.

My spring clean was purely focussing on one of the kitchen cupboards/pantry. It's a corner cupboard under the bench and it is in no way organised. I have a bunch of containers filled with the usual flours, rices, breadcrumbs, etc. But mostly it's just packets and packets of stuff just chucked in there and the door quickly shut! Last week I was so appalled at the state of the cupboard that I didn't even take some of the shopping out of the shopping bag, it just got chucked in and forgotten about.... Until I realised the Tim tams were in there. They were quickly retrieved!

I knew I'd have a few double ups, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. 7 packets of spaghetti, 3 packets of fettucini, 3 packets of caster sugar, 4 packets of macaroni alone, and another 6 packets of random pasta variations. 3 packets of gnocchi (which we rarely eat) managed to end up in there, and dozens and dozens of half used up packets of various nuts. Does this shit breed in my cupboard???

During my clean out I came across a number of 'out of date', or passed their 'best before' items. Some a little more 'old' than others. I quickly filled up an entire shopping bag full of food that I just wasn't willing to keep. I'm not one for throwing out perfectly good food, but these items were either a slightly different colour from their original format, hadn't been sealed up properly, or were just a bit scary looking!  I came across a forlorn looking packet of rice crackers, and yeah I think I remember seeing them lurking in there for a while. Turns out they moved in quite some time ago as they had a best before date of October 2011!

Found anything in your pantry older than that?



  1. I'm ALWAYS finding old stuff in my pantry - stuff that I swear I only bought a month or two ago that end up having a use by date of sometime last year!

    That said, use by dates annoy me. Copious amounts of totally safe food is thrown away needlessly, in the name of use by dates. And we didn't die very often from food poisoning before everything had to have a date on it! Did we?



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