
Week 40

A day late, but better than not at all! It's been a tough weekend.  Harder than I expected, probably because I didn't give it much thought.  Hubby left on Thursday afternoon for his annual weekend away to Queensland with his mates for a VW drag racing event.  He left full of excitement, and left me with a clingy toddler and the beginnings of his head cold.  I was not impressed to say the least. 

Dylan and I got out of house for a few hours on Sunday when we headed up to my Dad's place to watch our Team play in the Grand Final.  What was I thinking??? Did I really think that Dylan would sit and watch the game?? Did I think that he would leave all of the toddler-level breakables untouched?? Did I think all those buttons on the low lying DVD/Hard drive/stereo systems would not be enticing for a weeny boy??  Lets just say I saw very little of the game, and by looking at the final score it's probably a good thing.

One other thing I did discover whilst at my Dad's place, was that once you lick a blue peanut M & M and then roll it around in your hands, that the blue does stain hands and sometimes faces. You learn all the important tips here folks!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. I'll have to remember that, next time I need to make my face blue! xxx

  2. At least he colour co-ordinated his hands and face with his shirt!


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