Happy 40th!

My hubby went and turned 40! How the hell did that happen? I swear we were in our early twenties about 5 minutes ago.  At least he's not fazed by it, and no signs of any mid-life crisis as yet. 

We didn't actually get to spend his birthday with him this year.  He was away with his mates in Queensland drag racing.  At least they won this year, after many years of car troubles.  So that was something to celebrate.  His mates organised a b'day cake and a card and gift for him out in the middle of what I call ""the sticks".  I think he was pretty pleased.

When he finally got home on the Monday we had some balloons blown up and a big sign along one wall staying "Happy 40th Birthday".  Dylan loved the balloons and only now, almost a week later are some of them in danger of us popping them just to be rid of them from under our feet.  I baked a big chocolatey ganache cake decorated with malteasers and a big "40" candle.   It's super rich and I need it gone or thrown out cos I can't bear to look at it. 

We had a few presents all wrapped which Dylan carried out to his Daddy, then proceeded to assist with the unwrapping! 

Dylan happily modelled the new backpack that Daddy got! 
As my hubby does tend to have a bit of a sweet tooth for a bit of a laugh we gave him 40 chocolate bars.  All different types, and hopefully none that he wouldn't eat.  It went down well, and had Dylan very excited!

 Here's my boys having a bit of a birthday cuddle!



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